• Kowloon, Hong Kong

    Flat 3, 2/F Fashion Centre
    51-53 Wing Hong Street
    Cheung Sha Wan

  • (852) 6889 6200

    Mon - Friday: 9.00 to 18.00

  • info@mightycode.hk

Our Approach

We provide a wide range of solutions to help customers to secure their application infrastructure through a structured approach and consistent methodology based on industry-wide best practices. Our expertise includes network and application-level assessments and creating secure solutions stack for individual customers. We help our clients identify security issues, suggest remediation, and provide ongoing support.

Ensures that security practices are optimal, enforce the company’s security policy, and are integrated into the development process from the very first day.

We ensure that

  • The development process and solution conform to the client’s security standards and applicable compliance requirements
  • The solution is implemented according to security best-practices
  • The solution is sufficiently protected from relevant threats and attack vectors
Our Services

We provide end-to-end security testing services that cover all aspects of your business-critical software/application and your whole IT-Infrastructure including mobile applications:

  • Penetration Testing: Fully evaluates a system’s security by simulating actions of a malicious user or an attack source
  • Vulnerability Assessment : Allows us to identify vulnerabilities in applications that might lead to the compromise of sensitive data.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Helps to become compliant with major security standards like “Open Web Application Security Project” (OWASP)
  • Security Code Review : Helps developers address the root cause of security problems at the start of the application development process
  • Security Consulting : Provides ongoing support with all security-related activities for the complete application development life cycle.
In Addition

We also provide Technical audit, compliance management, maintenance of security guidelines and requirements, assistance with security design, ongoing security consulting, security code reviews, penetration testing, hosting environment hardening